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Valentine's Day Cards For Mom

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Valentine's Day Cards For Mom — Mailed For You

  • Can I wish my mom a happy Valentine's Day?

    Can you tell your mom you love her? Um, yes. Please do (every chance possible). Wishing mom a happy Valentine's Day is just another opportunity to tell her how much you appreciate and love her. You can and should do so!
  • What should I write in my mom's Valentine's Day card?

    The message inside the Valentine's Day card for your mom should be written from the heart so think sincere thoughts. At the same time, make sure to avoid writing a novel. The card has a limited amount of space so use it wisely. Here is a suggested outline of things to include inside your Valentine's Day card for mom:

    • Wish her a happy Valentine's Day and/or just tell her you love her! This, after all, is the whole point of sending mom the card.
    • Point to one thing or quality you love about mom and be specific. Personal details always make for a great card!
    • Look forward optimistically. Let mom know you're excited to see her soon (whenever that may be).

    Remember, as you type your message inside one of these Valentine's Day cards the font will continue to shrink. Be mindful of the size of the font as you write so that it doesn't become illegible. Write from the heart, but make it short and sweet.