Mother's Day Cards For Grandma Mailed For You

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Mother's Day Cards for Grandma — Mailed For You

  • What should I write in my grandma's Mother's Day card?

    Sending a Mother's Day card for grandma may seem like a small gesture, but it will likely mean a whole lot to grandma... Especially this year when she may have been separated from her grandchildren for far too long. So be sure to add in a whole lot of extra love when writing your Mother's Day message to grandma.

    But what do you write? Well, first start with a nice salutation like 'Dear Grandma' or 'Grammy' and then go straight to sharing how much you love and miss her. Finally don't forget to actually write 'Happy Mother's Day Grandma!' and add a little something about how much you appreciate her in your life. Here's an example:

    Dearest Grammy,

    We cannot put in words just how much we've all missed you this year and simply cannot wait to give you the biggest hug ever! We love you to the moon and back and hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day this year. We're counting the days until next week when we can all be together and celebrate Mother's Day with you.

    Love you,
    Your Favorite Grandchildren

    Make grandma's heart feel all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings with your Mother's Day for grandma card and don't forget to give her a call too!